Local Government Services

We assist Municipal and County with financial modeling and economic policy decisions.

Property Tax Revenue Forecasting
Policy Analytics has built and maintains a proprietary Local Government Revenue Model to forecast property tax revenues impacts for governmental units.
- Policy Analytics can produce tax base forecasts and accurately estimate circuit breaker cap credits for any taxing unit by modeling property taxes on a parcel basis.
- We can estimate the impact of state and local policy changes on both taxpayers and taxing units.
Tax Increment Financing
Tax Increment Financing (TIF) is a flexible, yet complex tool to enable municipalities and counties to execute their economic development goals.
- We help local units understand and manage their TIF data, and evaluate performance by using custom mapping, data models, and pro forma tools.
- We provide structure and rigor to the economic development decision making process by providing a framework for modeling TIF revenues, phasing and implications for neighboring taxing units.
- We can help local governments communicate the status, progress and performance of their TIF areas using an array of analytical and reporting tools.
Fiscal Impact Analysis
Public sector leaders must weigh a wide range of competing factors when making effective policy decisions. Policy Analytics has the expertise to build a framework to evaluate the fiscal implications of complex policy decisions.
- We can estimate the financial and tax implications of proposed policy ideas so that leaders understand the impact before making a policy decision.
- We help communities understand changing dynamics like community growth, annexation, and costs of services.
- We can help create metrics and benchmarks to frame public policy decisions that are fiscally sustainable.